Tuesday, 15 December 2009

10 hours

It's pouring rain in Hong Kong, unusual for this season. Hong Kong people don't stop talking about the weather forecast: a cold front should hit Hong Kong tomorrow or on Thursday. Not sure how "cold" that may be though. I am mentally getting ready to hit another cold front: -18C in Minneapolis.


  1. Hi, Sophie!

    Just wanted to let you know that Judy and I have been reading your blog (although we haven't made any comments)--it sounds like you have had an incredible time! Also, Samira, Dalia, Judy, and I all read your blog as part of the lesson today at Forest Hills :)

    Have a safe trip home!

  2. Sophie,
    I have loved your travel commentaries. Just realized now that I could comment. Sorry, I should have done so earlier.

    Today we read your blog in class -- Dalia and Samira. They seemed to understand most of it.

    Will we see you Thursday?

  3. Hi Alana and Judy,
    Great! Thanks for your comments! I am safe home after a long but smooth trip - I managed to sleep most of the time so I should be fresh tomorrow! Yes, I am planning to come to the class on the 17th.
