Thursday, 16 February 2012

Xining - Kokonor Lake

jiaozi as breakfast

inside the jiaozi restaurant

salted "brick tea"

first sight of the Tibetan plateau

shop in Do Tang He, trilingual sign

Tibetan lady shopping

Nomads have replaced horses by motorbikes, but kept the nice saddles.

Wenchen, the Chinese princess married to a Tibetan looking East one last time before making Tibet her new home.

the steppes, with electric poles and fences


sheep and nomad shepherds

Kokonor Lake, frozen at this time of the year

the lake shore seen from the lake

a lady welcomes her to her house

nice and cosy

East shore- sand dunes... and snow

prayer flags

in background: Kokonor Lake

the new Xining-Lhassa train line

"Atomic City" where Chinese first nuclear experiments took place

lunch stall- TangKe

Tangke- a newly built "old" town

Tangke "old" street

the real old town

Xining suburb- one of the numerous neighbourhoods being reconstructed. Only the mosque is left.

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